Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Fashion

I got home from work one night last week and Myke was done with his homework (because he always tries to finish before I get home so we can have time together, because he is PeRfEcT like that) and we decided we wanted to "go do something." I asked Myke if had any ideas and he didn't. I pondered for a moment and then Myke says, "Wait, I know! We should go buy you some new shoes!"

What girl wouldn't kill for her husband to say that!??!! I hesitated, but then told him I really did need some new shoes. I am so used to being a college student, strapped for cash, buying stuff as CHEAP as possible that I sometimes forget to go shopping. Myke and I are MASTERS at avoiding grocery shopping....which most people consider to be a necessity. So, you can imagine, that shopping for clothes and accessories isn't really our forte. 

We went to the mall and picked out a pair of new shoes for me...I wanted the green ones because they looked so cute and fall-ish. They had them in black too though and black is WAY more practical than green. BUT, you know that feeling when you try on a different color and the spark just isn't there? That happened...but I didn't want to show it in my face cause I knew they were so much more practical! Myke though, being the little angel husband that he is, saw right through my placid grin and said, "Babe, just get the green ones. You like them better."

So, I bought the green shoes, and I have been wearing them every second because I love them! I even wore them all day when I worked at home because I just wanted to wear them some more!
Aren't they cute! 

So, Myke took me shopping and bought me a new pair of shoes that I love, like  A LOT. Not as much as I love him though :). 
Isn't he cute!?!?!?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Married to Michael

Today was a stressful day, but this post is not about my stressful day. Rather, it is about why stressful days are OK when you are Married to Michael. I manage a Family Practice and Medical Spa and sometimes it feels like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Some days, like TODAY, I fear that I may simply perish from anxiety and frustration. Little things start to drive me insane, like printers which continue to print after you cancel the print job, or advertisers that incessantly call my cell phone (whomever gavest that heathen my cellular number should take a long walk off a short bridge, immediately), or anything else that becomes rather annoying. Days like today; they do a number on my nerves. A LARGE number. Granted, I am aware that I have been slightly/moderately/ok...VERY anxiety ridden since my childhood and thus, things that wind me up may not wind up everyone else quite so tightly. This post is about being Married to Micheal though, and how he makes it all OK for me.

About a week ago, Myke sent me a text, "Did you know a year ago you agreed to marry me?" A big smile launched across my face and I remembered the day when I knew I would be Married to Michael. He was my best friend for a YEAR before he convinced me that I was in love with him. He listened to all my stresses, everyday, in chemistry class and made jokes about them to help me unwind. We started dating and he made silly games and wrote letters to remind me that life is to be enjoyed, right here, right now, not when I had completed my list of 75 tasks for the day. We got engaged and I was nothing but a 100 lb ball of anxiousness. I was working, going to school, feeling super sick on birth control (love it),  and planning a wedding in 2 months. Myke earned my passing grade in chemistry that term. He took care of me and didn't let-on that my catatonic state of anxiety was more than any 22 yr old fiance should have to worry about. I was still feeling sick just days before the wedding and I remember Myke telling my dad that all he wanted was for me to be able to be happy that day and not worry about anything. November 19th, 2010 was the last day I worried like that. After we were married on the 20th, everything changed and I am a happier, healthier person than I ever have been because I am married to someone who seems to feel that his greatest purpose is to make sure I am happy and not stressed. A week or so ago, Myke told me that he needed some of my time one evening. Come to find out, he had cleaned everything, started a hot tub for me, had music playing in the bathroom, treats ready to eat, and strict instructions not to come out until I was stress-free. The hot tub was great, the clean house was a heaven-sent, the treats were delicious...but knowing that someone loves you enough to put up with your quirks and even more, to help you deal with them, is the best stress-reliever I could ever ask for.

Myke has a famous saying in our little marriage, "Are you warm? Are you comfortable? Do you feel loved?" He says that right before I fall asleep at night. Married to Michael. What a blessed girl I am.